RailsBridge SF Teacher Training

Teacher Training

Wed 10/12/2016
Start time: 6:00 pm PDT
End time: 9:00 pm PDT

The Plan

We'll be meeting for a couple hours to go over the basics of teaching at a RailsBridge event. This event is intended both for TAs and teachers. If you've never been a TA or teacher before but plan to in the next few months, you should definitely come. If you've TAed before but not taught and would like to teach in the future, you are exactly who we are looking for. If you've taught or co-taught before but are still feeling a little shaky about the prospect of doing it again, we'd love to help bolster your confidence!
Basically, we'll be going over some general (but important) pedagogical concepts as well as RailsBridge's core values and how these influence our instructional style.


Rithm school has generously sponsored this event!

11 volunteers!